14-17 October 2019 in Hanoi, Vietnam
The 2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE-VPPC’2019) was held in Hanoi, Vietnam under the organization of Hanoi University of Science and Technology from 14 until 17 October 2019.
The conference brought together practicing engineers, researchers and other professionals for interactive and multidisciplinary discussions on electrified vehicle power, propulsion and related technologies.
VPPC 2019 conference (Hanoi, Vietnam, 14-17 October, 300 attendees) was the opportunity to organize a special session on “Multi-level Models for Simulation of Electrified Vehicles” whithin the framework of the PANDA H2020 European Project. Chaired by Alain Bouscayrol (ULille) and Joris Jaguemont (VUB), this special session was composed of 6 presentations.
Keynote speech
In a plenary session at VPPC’19, gathering 200 persons, Alain Bouscayrol was invited to give one of the 4 keynote speeches. In this speech, he introduced the context, the PANDA project itself and the challenges that have to be taken up. You can find the slides of tke Keynote here.

PANDA special session
Directed by Alain Bouscayrol (ULille) and Joris Jaguemont (VUB), the special session gathered 6 speakers on the below subjects.
Please click here for the call for paper.
- Comparisons of Models of Electric Drives for Electric Vehicles
by Anatole Desreveaux, Mircea Ruba, Alain Bouscayrol, Gabriel Mihai Sirbu and Claudia Martis (ULille, RTR, UTCN within PANDA) - Energy Prediction of the Chicago Metropolitan Area Using Distributed Transportation MBSE Framework
by Vincent Freyermuth, Joshua Auld, Dominik Karbowski, Ayman Moawad, Sylvain Pagerit and Aymeric Rousseau (Argone National Lab, USA) - Model Reduction Methodology for Energy Management Strategy of Hybrid Electric Vehicles
by L. Horrein and A. Bouscayrol (ULille, France) - Reliability Assessment of NMC Li-Ion Battery for Electric Vehicles Applications
by H. Gandoman, Yousef Firouz, Md Sazzad Hosen, Theodoros Kalogiannis, Joris Jaguemont, Maitane Berecibar and Joeri Van Mierlo - Static Electric Equivalent Circuit of Commercial Lithium-Ion Battery Cells Using Genetic Algorithms
by Theodoros Kalogiannis, Md Sazzad Hosen, Joris Jaguemont and Joeri Van Mierlo (VUB, Belgium) - 1D-thermal analysis and electro-thermal modeling of prismatic-shape LTO and NMC batteries
by Joris Jaguemont, Mohsen Sokkeh, Sazzad Hosen, Theodoros Kalogiannias, Joeri van Mierlo (poster) (VUB, Belgium)
PANDA papers
Other PANDA collaborative works have been presented during the EMR special session organized by Ronan German (ULille) on:
- Comparison of Energetic Macroscopic Representation and Structural Representation on EV Simulation under Simcenter Amesim
by Calin Husar, Mihail Grovu, Cristi Irimia, Anatole Desreveaux, Alain Bouscayrol, Mattjieu Ponchant and Pacome Magnin (SISW and ULille within PANDA) - Digital Twin Real-Time FPGA Implementation for light Electric Vehicle Propulsion System Using EMR Organization
by Mircea Ruba, Raul Octavian Nemes, Sorina Maria Ciornei, Claudia Martis, Alain Bouscayrol and Horia Hedesiu (UTCN and ULille within PANDA)