21 March 2019 In Cluj-Napoca, Romania
On March 21st 2019 the work packages 3 and 4 have been kicked off for the PANDA project.
During the meeting at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca the members of these work packages came together to start the technical activities.
The partners in WP2 (E-storage) will develop multi-scale models for energy storage subsystems (Kick-off Meeting took place at 23-24 April 2019 in Brussels).
Similarly, the partners in WP3 (E-drive) will develop multi-scale models of electric drive subsystems.
Both models will be developed according to the PANDA methodology.
In WP4 (virtual testing of reference electrified vehicles) the partners will provide a simulation environment for the PANDA methodology including cloud facilities.
“The WP3 kick-off meeting of H2020 PANDA in beautiful Cluj on 21-22nd March 2019 was a great opportunity to further strengthen this relation and start a new chapter of this inspiring journey. In this work package, Typhoon HIL, will contribute with its rich library of real-time machine models in the effort to closely define the real-time testing platform and testbed interface for testing EV components.”