University of Lille (ULille)
The University of Lille has been officially created on January 2018, as a result of the common desire of the 3 universities of Lille to build a leading European university. ULille is a multidisciplinary university. Key figures: 67000 students; more than 520 degree diploma; 66 research units; 3300 lecturers and researchers; 2000 Doctoral Researchers, over 3000 scientific publications each year. ULille is currently involved in 27 H2020 projects (8 as coordinator).
In order to reduced its ecological footprints, ULille has initiated the CUMIN programme (Campus of University for a Mobility, Innovative and Neutral in CO2, 2014-2020), which aims to replace thermal vehicles by electric vehicles in the coming years. CUMIN is an inter-disciplinary project managed by Prof. Alain Bouscayrol. All facilities of CUMIN will be available for PANDA.
Laboratory of Electrical Engineering and Power electronics (L2EP)
L2EP of ULille groups 100 members (including 34 Professors/Associate Professors and 40 PhD students) in 4 research teams on electrical engineering (numerical modelling, power electronics, control and electrical grid).
Since 1990, the control team of L2EP has developed different modelling and control formalism for electrical systems. In 2000, the Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) graphical formalism has been initiated to develop systematic control schemes of various energetic systems. EMR is nowadays internationally taught (Austria, Canada, China, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Vietnam, see EMR is also more and more used in industry (Alstom Transport, PSA Peugeot Citroën, SNCF, Valeo, etc.). EMR will be used as common formalism in PANDA to organize the different models of the subsystems, and also the virtual and real testing.
Since 2002, different power Hardware-In-the-Loop (HiL) testing facilities have been achieved by the control team of L2EP. Power HiL testing facilities haves been developed for the test of subsystems and their control for electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, subways, and trains, most of then for industrial partners (Siemens mobility, PSA Peugeot Citroën, SNCF). Theses different testing facilities have been developed using EMR. The experiences of L2EP in power HiL will be used in PANDA.

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The eV (electricity & Vehicle) platform, which allows testing subsystems and vehicles control by using HIL testing methods, underlies the implication of the University of Lille (L2EP) in WP4 “virtual test” and 5 “real test”. At the origin of the EMR, ULille is actively involved in WP1 “methods” by bringing this formalism as a common tools. Finally, thanks to its experience in the management of projects, ULille is the leader of PANDA project. ULille expects from this collaboration the achievement of an ambitious and innovative project which contributes at its level to the reduction of ecological footprint.