25 October – 14 November 2021 – ONLINE
The IEEE Vehicular Power and Propulsion 2021 (IEEE VPPC 2021) conference brought together the green e-motion worldwide community for interactive and multidisciplinary discussions on electrified vehicle power, propulsion and related technologies.
PANDA was selected to chair and present their results at two Special Sessions – which provided invaluable opportunities for researchers and industry parties to share their state-of-the-art research and latest developments.
1 – Joint special session “X-in-the-Loop Testing of Electrified Vehicles and Their Components”
This joint special session is organized within the Framework of H2020 projects HILforEV, GA # 824333 and PANDA, GA #824256
Co-chaired by Dr. Ronan German (ULille, France, PANDA project) and Pr. Valentin Ivanov (Tech Univ. Ilmenau, Germany, XILforEV project).
This joint session focused on X-In-the-Loop (XIL) testing, where in the simulation loop, a part of the whole subsystem model is replaced by the real subsystem. XIL testing is increasingly used to test different subsystems within the (electric or hybrid) vehicles and the session presented XIL concepts including Model-in-the-loop (MIL), Software-in-the-loop (SIL) and Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) and their applications to vehicles.
7 papers showcasing the latest developments have been presented, including 3 from our PANDA project!
For more information: https://events.vtsociety.org/vppc2021/conference-sessions/call-for-specialsessions/special-session-5/
2- Joint special session “Virtual Components and Subsystems for Development of Innovative Electrified Vehicles”
This joint special session is organized within the Framework of H2020 projects PANDA, GA #824256 and VISION-xEV, GA # 824314
Co-chaired by Prof. Dr. Walter Lhomme (ULille, France, PANDA project) and Dr. Reinhard Tatschl (AVL, Austria, VISION-xEV project).
This special session focused on the use of virtual components and subsystems for faster development and reduction of the time-to-market of innovative electrified vehicles. Advanced modelling and simulation method were described to enable improvement in terms of model accuracy and reduction of the development time.
6 papers showcasing the latest developments have been presented, including 2 from our PANDA project!
For more information: https://events.vtsociety.org/vppc2021/conference-sessions/call-for-specialsessions/special-session-7/
These fruitful sessions contributed at further promoting the networking within the transportation modelling community at the VPPC conference and also at IEEE VTS level!