Title: System-Level Modeling and Virtual Testing of Fuel Cell Vehicle Mobypost Using Energetic Macroscopic Representation
Written by: Hao Bai, Chen Liu, Daniela Chrenko, Alexandre Ravey, Fei Gao
Abstract:Fuel cell vehicle (FCV) has drawn much attention due to its high efficiency, long drive range, and zero emission. The development of FCV involves complex architectures and requires an effective virtual testing methodology to improve R&D efficiency. Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) is a graphical formalism to organize models and controls of multidisciplinary systems. It provides the seamless integrations of multi-level models and interconnections between virtual and real testing, which reduces the total development time of the electrified vehicles. Therefore, in this paper, the system-level model of FCV is designed using EMR for the high-fidelity virtual testing of electrified vehicles. An FCV Mobypost that is used for postal delivery in France is chosen as the studied vehicle. The virtual testing results are compared with the real testing. Good consistency is achieved, which validates the performances of the EMR-based FCV model in the virtual testing environment.
Keywords: Power demand, Simulation, Computer architecture, Tools, Fuel cell vehicles, Software, Batteries
Orginal article: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9490044