Carbon care analysis (May 2020 – Month 18)

Intermediate result from partner ULille

This result has been achieved on 11 May 2020 in month 18 of the project.

Unique among the European H2020 projects is that the partners in PANDA estimate PANDA’s direct and indirect emissions of green house gases. As part of a carbon care analysis, each partner has nominated a carbon contact. These contacts send data to the carbon care coordinator, Amandine Lepoutre.

As an example, the figure shows the carbon assessment of the University of Lille during PANDA’s first year. Activities are categorised in 3 topics: development, management and dissemination. As the figure shows, travel takes the main share of the emissions. The approach is now being extended to the other partners; it will be interesting to see how the lockdowns related to COVID-19 affect the carbon footprints.

At the end of the project the partners will compensate the green house gas emissions caused by the work in the PANDA project.

The carbon care analysis aims to estimate PANDA’s direct and indirect emissions of Green Houses Gases and to mitigate them.

Figure 1: Direct and indirect emissions of Green House Gases

Each partner has nominated a carbon contact. These contacts send data to the carbon care coordinator, Amandine Lepoutre, who has been certified for carbon assessment by the ABC association[1] based on the ADEME method[2]. Data are organised in 3 sections (emissions link to the development, management and dissemination) themselves divided into 3 subsections (functioning, travel and equipment). The carbon assessment of the University of Lille during PANDA’s 1st year has been stated as an example. It is now extended to the other partners, and will be to the 2nd and 3rd years of the project.

Figure 2+3: Some of the results of the University of Lille’s carbon assessment presented during last PMB (11-12 May, online meeting)
