Simulation E-learning material (May 2020 – Month 18)

Intermediate result from partner SIEMENS

This result has been achieved on 8 May 2020 in month 18 of the project.

Video material document in e-learning format (beta version).

  • Objective: To help the users and explain step-by-step how to install the EMR library, how to develop EMR simulations in Simcenter Amesim, how to work with predefined Panda components and how to work with Simcenter Amesim in Cloud.
  • Result: An e-learning support material which demonstrate “step-by-step” in 21 movies how to work, in local and in Cloud, with EMR method.
  • What will it be used for: The e-learning material will be used as support for the futures developing of EMR models in Simcenter Amesim, working in a local machine or in Cloud.
  • Impact: The support document guides the simulations engineers trough EMR method, facilitates the use and development of new models working in local or Cloud.